Corporate Social Responsibility 2019

ILCS has an aspiration to develop continuously and sustainably (sustainable growth). To support these aspirations, ILCS is fully committed to aligning business performance achievements with efforts to provide benefits for ILCS employees, the community and the surrounding environment. This is based on ILCS’s belief that running a good business activity means also carrying out responsibility and concern for the main stakeholders, especially the communities around the scope of operational activities throughout Indonesia.


It is a form of the company's commitment to human resource development. Aims to provide a place of competence for students by providing innovations/ideas that have value for the world of logistics through the Digital Innovation program.


Form of corporate social responsibility to the community and the surrounding environment. Aims to have a direct impact on the community around the company in need.



In order to reduce the percentage of traffic accidents due to homecomers using motorbikes, PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) Group and the Ministry of BUMN held a free homecoming by sending 22,000 homecoming participants to 16 cities in Java and Sumatra. 

The IPC Group Homecoming Program is a routine program for IPC with a number of subsidiaries every year. PT ILCS dispatched 2 BUS to Purwokerto with a total of 100 homecomers who are residents of Tanjung Priok and its surroundings. In supporting the government's program, namely providing safe and comfortable homecoming transportation facilities, PT ILCS also facilitates travelers to return to Jakarta.  
